Title: Animaris Umerus / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Siamesis & Ordis / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo & Idea / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Wings at Night / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: World of Pipes / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2011) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo Jansen / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2011) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Central Axis, Animaris Umerus / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Umerus, Side View / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo Jansen fixing knee joints / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Boy and Beest / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2013) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Wings Before the Storm / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Parade / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Siamesis / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Gubenare / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Tail / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Siamesis Unfurling Sails / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Beest Inside / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo & Siamesis / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2011) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Break / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Facing Creation / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2013) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Umerus, Onlookers, an Umbrella / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Umerus, Theo as a Comma in a Landscape / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Ichthus / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo & Mr. Murphy / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Return from the Beach / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Base Camp de Fuut / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo and the Dunes / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Eloise & Baby Strandbeest / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: One Best Down / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: a Beest and a Woman / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo and the Kids / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: New Direction / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Umerus / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Siamesis & Ordis / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo & Idea / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Wings at Night / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: World of Pipes / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2011) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo Jansen / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2011) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Central Axis, Animaris Umerus / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Umerus, Side View / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo Jansen fixing knee joints / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Boy and Beest / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2013) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Wings Before the Storm / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Parade / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Siamesis / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Animaris Gubenare / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Tail / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Siamesis Unfurling Sails / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Beest Inside / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo & Siamesis / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2011) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Break / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Facing Creation / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2013) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Umerus, Onlookers, an Umbrella / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Umerus, Theo as a Comma in a Landscape / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Ichthus / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo & Mr. Murphy / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Return from the Beach / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2009) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Base Camp de Fuut / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2010) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo and the Dunes / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Eloise & Baby Strandbeest / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: One Best Down / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: a Beest and a Woman / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: Theo and the Kids / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog
Title: New Direction / Location (and date): The Netherlands (2012) / Medium: gelatin silver print / Artist, Rights: © Lena Herzog